Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Firefox Advantage in Unification Wars

Not all browsers are created equal as evidenced from the results of the browser wars. However, for Unification Wars, the browser you use makes a big difference to your playing success. A survey of the browser reveals several options:
  1. Internet Explorer
  2. Mozilla Firefox
  3. Opera
  4. Apple Safari
  5. Google Chrome
So what are we looking for in a browser to give us that added advantage? Firstly, we need the browser to be fast to operate. Secondly, it needs to have the option of opening multiple tabs. Finally, it needs to be able to auto-refresh web pages at specified time intervals. Matched against these criteria, all the above browsers are able to meet the first two requirements. However, the third requirement, auto refreshing of web pages, is only offered by Firefox, Opera and Chrome. However, Firefox requires you to install the ReloadEvery add-on, while this feature is standard on both Opera and Chrome. However, my own experience with Opera is that while it is fast, it suffers from some incompatibility issues with Unification Wars. When you click on events, the military events display always gets messed up and this happens on both the Linux (I use Ubuntu) and the Windows XP/Vista versions. Some of the critical messages such as reinforcements and battle results are missing.

Opera browser display error in Unification Wars

So the choice is between Firefox and Chrome. Chrome has the advantage of speed although I do remember when Chrome was first launched, there were small problems like the back button triggering a page refresh along with unintended results, such as building ships again. However, I do know that these problems appear to be fixed since many players in Unification Wars play using Chrome with no problems. My choice of Firefox is mainly out of habit.

The key to using Firefox is ample use of tabs and the ReloadEvery add-on. I have the following tabs open whenever I am online for speed and convenience.
  1. Fed members page with ReloadEvery set at 1 minute refresh rate. This gives me regular updates on the Fed's op status.
  2. Military records filtering Federation members with ReloadEvery set at 5 seconds refresh rate. This keeps me up to date on hits on myself or on fed mates and reminds me to check whether I need to refresh my fleet or outpost.
  3. Military fleet for quick access to current fleet status.
  4. Military shipyard for quick access to rebuild. When out attacking, I also have several of the shipyard tabs open with values preset to build outers and main fleet. This speeds up response time to attacks.
  5. While out of damage protection, I also have events set to military events with ReloadEvery set at 5 second refresh rate so that if I were hit, I would be able to judge whether there was a chance of a quick retaliation to score planets.
In more extreme cases, or if you have a large enough monitor and/or good eyesight, you could set up a dashboard style screen like this below.

Using Firefox for Unification Wars

In any war game, real or virtual, information is key. And this gives you information presented in a very timely manner that allows you to play the Unification Wars game to the fullest. Enjoy!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Viral Missions and Rewards in Unification Wars

This is a simple Unification Wars reference for newly minted Virals or players intending to switch viral and will form the basis of future articles based around Viral missions.

Act 2
Mission 1
Objective: Research Cyril Class Ships
Reward: +5k Strafez Organism.

Mission 2
Objective: 200k Red Crystal
Reward: +100 to loyalty on all systems

Mission 3
Objective: 500k Rutile
Reward: 30 c.Cancer added to fleet

Mission 4
Objective: Research Ministers Training Facility
Reward: +100 to loyalty on all systems

Mission 5
Objective: 1m pr
Reward: an Orion system with 10k planets

Mission 6
Objective: 10m credits
Reward: 100k Red Crystal!

Mission 7
Objective: 200k in ship upkeep
Reward: 5k planets to innermost system

Mission 8
Objective: 10m credits
Reward: Nothing

Mission 9
Objective: 5m Terran Metal
Reward: 250k Terran Metals!

Mission 10
Objective: 50m Composite
Reward: 20k Strafez Organism

Mission 11
Objective: 5m Pr
Reward: 5k planets to innermost system

Mission 12
Objective: 2m White Crystal
Reward: 3 Planetary Core Capsules

Mission 13
Objective: 10b credits
Reward: 5 housing infrastructure levels

Mission 14
Objective: 6m pr
Reward: 1m credits

Mission 15
Objective: 50m food
Reward: +200 loyalty

Mission 16
Objective: 200k population
Reward: 1m consumer goods

Mission 17
Objective: 2b credits
Reward: 20 v.Borrelly

Mission 18
Objective: 1m in ship upkeep
Reward: 10k Rutile and Composite

Mission 19
Objective: 15m Pr
Reward: a Titan system with 10k planets and 10 d.Pike

Act 3
Mission 1
Objective: 5b credits
Reward: 500k White Crystal

Mission 2
Objective: 30,000,000 Pr
Reward: +200 to loyalty and 10b credits

Mission 3
Objective: 5b food
Reward: 500k Terran Metal

Mission 4
Objective: Attain empire level 10
Reward: 5 big time capsules

Mission 5
Objective: 50m composite
Reward: Nothing

Mission 6
Objective: 500m Red Crystal.
Reward: Nothing

Mission 7
Objective: Achieve 400k planets.
Reward: 50m food and 100m consumer goods

Mission 8
Objective: Attain 20m population
Reward: 2 commercial infrastructure levels

Mission 9
Objective: Attain 75m Pr
Reward: 25m composite

Mission 10
Objective: 200m in ship upkeep
Reward: 5 Regalos

Mission 11
Objective: 1b consumer goods
Reward: +500 to loyalty

Mission 12
Objective: 200m White Crystal
Reward: 50 t.Empereur ships

Mission 13
Objective: 10b credits
Reward: 100 v.Borrelly ships

Mission 14
Objective: 100m Pr
Reward: 200k Strafez Organism and 50k Terran Metal

Mission 15
Objective: Achieve 30m population
Reward: 20,000 planets to the innermost system

Mission 16
Objective: 400m in ship upkeep
Reward: 50b credits

Mission 17
Objective: 50b credits
Reward: 20 Bronze Dinero

Mission 18
Objective: 10b food
Reward: +200 to loyalty

Mission 19
Objective: 750m White Crystal.
Reward: Nothing

Act 4
Mission 1
Objective: Attain 600,000 planets
Reward: 50b credits and 500m consumer goods

Mission 2
Objective: 15b food
Reward: You lose 100k Strafez Organism

Mission 3
Objective: Research Spy Recon project
Reward: 10 Small Time Capsule

Mission 4
Objective: Attain 100m in commercial income
Reward: 100m Red Crystals

Mission 5
Have a total ship upkeep of 600,000,000
Reward: 100 v.Borrelly ships

Mission 6
Objective: 9b raw materials
Reward: Nothing

Mission 7
Objective: Nothing
Reward: 5 k.Wai-Li ships

Mission 8
Objective: Attain 500m Pr
Reward: 50m rutile and 150m white crystal

Mission 9
Objective: 90b credits
Reward: 3 big time capsules

Mission 10
Objective: 500m raw material
Reward: 400m food

Mission 11
Objective: 700m in ship upkeep
Reward: 50 v.Chiron ships and 10 Major Barrera

Mission 12
Objective: 25b food
Reward: -1200 loyalty in all systems (punishment to be precise)

Mission 13
Objective: 900m in ship upkeep
Reward: 500 p.Thor ships and 10 k.Wei-Li ships

Mission 14
Objective: 50b credits
Reward: Nothing

Mission 15
Objective: 1b Terran Metal
Reward: Nothing

Mission 16
Objective: 750m Rutile
Reward: 500m White Crystal
You receive +500,000,000 White Crystals!

Mission 17
Objective: 700m Strafez Organism
Reward: 20 Minor Afortunado

Mission 18
Objective: 25b food
Reward: +50 loyalty in all systems

Mission 19
Objective: 2b consumer goods
Reward: 100k planets to innermost system

Act 5
Mission 1
Objective: 10m in ship upkeep
Reward: 55k planets to innermost system

Mission 2
Objective: Attain 5b pr
Reward: 5m credits and 600m raw materials

Mission 3
Objective: 80b credits
Reward: 2m consumer goods

Mission 4
Objective: 10b credits
Reward: 13 Moccasin Orb

Mission 5
Objective: 7b Pr
Reward: +70 loyalty to all Systems

Mission 6
Have a PR of 9 Billion
Reward: 1b consumer goods and 1b food

Mission 7
Objective: 10m in ship upkeep
Reward: 50k planets to innermost system

Mission 8
Objective: 1b Terran Metal
Reward: 4 Kal-Zul ships

Mission 9
Objective: 100b credits
Reward: Kal-Zul ships

Mission 10
Objective: 25b credits
Reward: 3 housing infrastructure levels

This mission list was taken from a number of strategy guides available out there and may contain errors.